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New Librarians’ Symposium
New Librarians’ Symposium
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Exploring other careers in libraries: being a liaison librarian is not the only path



11:15 am

29 July 2023

Room 1

Concurrent Session 1 A


NLSX 2023

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Presentation Description

When you decided to work in a library, what was your dream? What kind of work did you think you’d be doing? Most people are surprised when they learn the scope of work a library covers, yet even with the diverse work available they tend to stay in their lane and carve a multi-decade career in one specialty. While this is valuable, being well rounded by having a deeper understanding across more functions is very rewarding and highly regarded.

University libraries are large and complex and can offer a myriad of formal and informal opportunities for staff to try new things and develop skills. But there aren’t many people who take up the opportunity to try something new, whether it’s a sideways step or a secondment. Why is this? What holds us back? And what could you do about it?

In this presentation, Liz will discuss the broad areas in university libraries, challenge your perceptions about the work in each and provide you with a new way of thinking which will help prepare you to try something new.


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